Breathe to Lead

A breathwork experience

Free 30 minute workshop designed to support busy driven women to feel and perform at their best more often, without burning out.

Ready for a health or energy reset?

With a breathing expert and physiotherapist by your side, you'll:

1. Self-assess your current state - check where you're at on the surviving to thriving scale.

2. Calm overwhelm with a simple breathing technique - that you can do anywhere

3. Understand and feel - why breathing effectively is essential to sustain your nervous system, hormones and hence physical and mental health.

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Busy professionals, entrepreneurs, dynamic parents - it doesn't matter who or what you lead. But you can't lead well OR live your fullest life for long from an empty tank.

If you have a to-do list as long as your arm and a mountain of responsibilities at work and home that frequently leave you feeling anxious, exhausted or overwhelmed, this is for you.

If any of the following sound familiar . . .

  • You would love to feel consistently energised and vibrant - so that you're able to connect better with those you love as well as achieve your goals with more joy and ease. Yet you don't have time to live on green smoothies, or spend hours doing yoga or at the the gym. 

  • You're physically and/or emotionally exhausted, stressed and overwhelmed - you're struggling with headaches, PMT or anxiety. Injuries, illness or poor sleep are creeping in. You may even be on the brink of, or already in a state of burnout.

  • Your body isn't looking or feeling how you would like it to - increased weight or declining fitness, physical pain or signs of peri-menopause or ageing that have come earlier than anticipated. 

  • You feel chronically time-short ... you know this isn't ideal for those you lead, your loved ones or yourself, as you rarely feel at your 'best'. It's hard to find the time and balance to get everything done. 
  • You're ready to grow or are craving something different - you know there's something that needs to shift. You're not necessarily sure what ... underneath you're starting to feel stuck, frustrated, unfulfilled or unhealthy.

 Having taught thousands of people to breath over 28 years, I believe breathwork is one of the most powerful ways to regulate the nervous system and connect to your body and unconscious mind. Both are essential for vibrant and sustainable health AND success.

 Are you ready to uplevel or rebalance your life, health and performance?

"As a self confessed go-getter who wants it all now - working with Sally has helped me become more mindful. She coaches with a mix of sensitivity and grace yet pushes beyond the surface to get to the real issues! 

- Minnie Von, TEDx Curator UK 

Meet your breathwork teacher Sally Dibden

Sally Dibden is the founder of The Wellbeing Consultants, which specialises in breathwork and empowerment tools to support driven individuals and teams to stay on great form and optimise stress through coaching, consulting and therapy. Her clients want to enjoy consistent health, happiness AND success at work, home and play, with balance, not burnout.

Sally is a chartered physiotherapist, executive health and performance coach, yoga and pilates teacher. She has spent over 28 years supporting thousands of driven patients, clients and students across the world to breathe well and work through challenges to be and feel their best. She has worked for the NHS and British military, as well as with global organisations, those in professional sport, busy professionals, entrepreneurs and parents. She currently lives near the French Alps with her family by Lake Geneva.

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